It is believed that its name comes from being placed in a valley is not wide, maybe in the plants of elder, but still small town, perhaps suitable for a hermit, a "hole" binding to become saints. Sambuco, also known as Villa Sambuco or Sambùcoli. Sambuco has two properties: Giappichini Giammaria and Giappichini Rosanna. Some signs of antiquity can be seen on the doorposts of the windows of the old house Giappichini, and a piece of wall of the oven. To the southwest, upstream of the house of Rosanna, you can see a tower that should have been <torre of avvistamento> has a door to the north, but his head seems we beheaded at least two to three meters, maybe the century. XV.In 1975 the cousins Giappichini loved restructure the Church. The jambs and window in the middle, are original. The lintel and doorposts of the same age (of 1750) bears this inscription: Hoc Templum / BVM Divio Marco et / (De S.bu) Dicatum / AD1750, that the temple is dedicated to Our Lady and St. Mark of Sambuco.